Warriors of Consciousness
The Death of Money .org
If this is your first reading
of this page, ignore the links.
Here's why:
Welcome to
Adventures Into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
May I introduce you to
Warriors of Consciousness.
The students of the Physics of Consciousness,
The students of Universal Spirituality, and
The students of the Teachings of Jesus
have joined forces.
We are The Warriors of Consciousness.
We are the physically incarnated leaders of
We are on board spaceship Earth
as Source/Creator/God-Goddess
takes humanity into a new dimension
and into a new age,
from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius,
from third dimension sheyitt-consciousness to
Fifth Dimension, the consciousness of Llove, Joy and Peace.
When we function in Fifth Dimension Consciousness
we are in a completely different Context.
Our level of consciousness is completely different.
We see the world in a completely new light.
You didn't know that Consciousness is King?
Well, now you do.
Here's the Universal Truth Regarding Reality:
Reality has two sides, one physical one non-physical.
Nikola Tesla quote:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries of its existence."
The women and men listed below are Warriors of Consciousness.
Consciously they are leading us into Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
Physically, they are leading us into the new Service To All Social Structure.
Because the Cabal criminals are still in control
of our entire communication system,
we have no way of knowing if our messages
ever reach their intended destination.
Therefore, we request your assistance.
Some of you can access people that we can't,
please take our messages to the people listed below.
The Warriors of Consciousness:
Almost all of us came to Earth as Warriors of Consciousness.
We are here to take back control of Earth.
Those listed below are being contacted because they have
* a combination of the required talent, knowledge, and experience.
* Their conditions and circumstances are right.
* They have the specific skills to accomplish
what we have asked them to do.
* They are inclined to be of great service, and
* they are in an area that definitely needs attention.
This places them in leading roles on the Earth Recovery Team.
The links below take you to our messages to these people.
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You desperately need a team of advisors
who are NOT stuck in third dimension consciousness.
We have asked Tai to demonstrate
how to use some of his excess money before it comes useless.
How to feed 350 million Americans healthy foods
three meals a day for a lifetime.
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Dr. Robert Lustig Nutrition Expert
Dr. Lustig plus Dr. Steven Gundry are
major advisors to We-The-People's
Organic Garden System.
You desperately need a team of advisors
who are NOT stuck in third dimension consciousness.
With the combined effort of Foster and Alex
obsolete, third-dimension, electric technology
is about to be replaced by Fifth-Dimension
Fee Energy Technology.
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I suggest that you bring me in as an advisor to you and your work.
Take a million or so of your
soon-to-be-worthless excess money
and be the first person to demonstrate the grand opportunity
for all of humanity.
Vishen Lakhiani
Vishen is about to give us
a significant demonstration of cooperation.
We are inviting Jenna to be the spokesperson for
We-The-People's Organic Community Garden System.
UFO Disclosure in The Enlightened Way
This is a Team of Seven Members
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We expect each of them to contact us as soon as they realize the
contribution they can make to the well-being of humanity
by working with our team.
Thank you,
We-The-People's 777-Member Advisory Board
Be of Service.
Receive Huge $ Rewards
and Phenomenal Perks.
Join the TLC-Life-Center's Chapter of
God/Goddess's Earth-Recovery-Team.
Contact Us
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