Conscious Christianity
Universal Spirituality
If this is your first reading of this page,
ignore the links. Here's why:
Adventures Into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
I'm about to show you the most profound change
in Christian Consciousness since Martin Luther
sparked The Reformation in 1517.
The Teachings Of Jesus
Tell Us That
The Scientific Evidence
Tell Us That
We are referring to the world of
that Jesus told us about:
Jesus said you are a god.
Jesus tells us directly three times,
right there in the Christian Bible.
Also see: John 14:20 and Luke 17:21
He also tells us that anything
He did we can do and more. John 14:12.
For Conscious Christianity,
please continue reading
below on this page.
Secular / Scientific
Let us introduce you to
what The Evidence tells us.
The secret Cabal Criminals
tricked us into believing and
teaching lies that are still believed.
As a result, unexposed lies
are still severely damaging
us and our children.
It's time to clean that up now.
It's time to wake up.
For those who are primarily
secular and scientific,
please go to
What We Really Need To know
Before we can have an intelligent conversation about God,
we must first define what we mean by the word God.
Realize that life is not what we have been
led to believe it is by those who claim to know.
Earth humans are presently stuck in an invisible prison.
Earth has shifted out of Third Dimension Sheyitt-Consciousness.
We must adopt our lives to fit into the new
Realize that
Secular, Scientific Principles,
and the
Underlying Principles of Universal Spirituality
are all based on the exact same basic prinsciples.
The teachings of Jesus are The Truth That will Set Us Free.
We are much more than physical bodies.
We are eternal God-Beings.
Psalms 82:6 John 10:34, 35 Isaiah 41:23
John 14:20 and Luke 17:21
Realize that we are all here together.
We are all brothers and sisters in a single unified whole. Everything is intimately interconnected to and
is a part of everything else.
Note that in twelve passages from the Christian Bible,
Jesus, himself, did not heal. In every case, he said
that it was the person's faith that caused the healing.
Quote: "Your Faith Has Made You Whole".
This is true because we live in a Holographic Universe
and in a holograph, Consciousness controls everything.
Realize that we have been tricked
into believing self-destructive lies.
The biggest lie in all creation is that you are separate from God,
separate from nature, separate from each other.
Deception -- The Ultimate Third Dimension Weapon.
Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess has stepped in
and is getting rid of the evil ones and cleaning up the mess. Cosmic Transformation of Human Consciousness.
Our jobs are:
To learn the truth.
To heal our own bodies.
Be of service to ourselves and each other.
Service to All Replaces Service to Self.
Learn The Seven Great Truths:
We are Worthy, Deserving,
Llovable and Enough.
We are connected to God.
We are Eternal God-Beings,
we are God
and so are you.
A Fifth Dimension Perspective of Source/Creator/God-Goddess.
The Great In-Between is in-between everything,
The Great In-Between contains everything,
The Great In-Between connects everything,
The Great In-Between is Consciousness,
Consciousness is the Creator
Consciousness is the Perceiver.
Humans are also
Consciousness, Creators, and Perceivers.
The first message we give ourselves is
to be Christians with both head and heart.
We are each interpreters of the Teachings of Jesus.
No one else can interpret the teachings for us.
That's Conscious Christianity.
Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove (love)
Robert Cote'
First Minister of Conscious Christianity.
Conscious Christianity is
The Most Profound Changes in Consciousness and in Christianity since Martin Luther sparked The Reformation in 1517.
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