Find God By Suffering or By Llove
The Death of Money .org
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of this page, ignore the links.
Here's why:
Welcome to
Adventures Into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
The statement
To Find God by Suffering,
is pure Cabal Bullsheyitt.
* To find God/Goddess,
and to search for God/Goddess,
one must believe her or himself
to be separate from God/Goddess.
You cannot be separate from yourself.
You are an innate piece, part, aspect of
the I nfinite Everything /God/goddess.
* To suffer is to vibrate as far away
from God-/Goddess consciousness
as you can get
Here's another major lie
that runs the minds of almost all of humanity.
It's called: No Pain No Gain
The more you suffer, the closer you are to God.
Christian Theology, particularly Roman Catholic Theology,
teaches followers that the more you suffer,
the closer you are to God.
That's a Cabal-installed lie placed into Christianity
by the Vatican Cabal Criminals in order to get you to believe that
you are separate from God.
Are you aware that the evil ones
feed on the energy radiated from a human body
when the dweller in that body is experiencing
pain, grief, anger, misery, suffering, and the like?
It is said that we receive growth
from misery-producing experiences.
That is often true, but, It's not the only way.
If I were an evil one, this lie would be
exactly what I wanted you to believe and practice.
What is Growth?
Growth is change, transformation , expansion, evolution,
increased knowledge, and increased abilities.
Is there another way to accomplish the Growth Mission?
What about growth through Llove, Joy, Pleasure, and the like?
What Are the Attributes of God?
Llove, Joy, Compassion, Caring, Sharing,
Orgasm, Bliss, and the state of being so joyful that
from third dimension consciousness
you cannot even imagine it.
What do you want in your future?
What Does Misery Produce?
Feeling really bad, feeling guilty, feeling anger,
feeling helpless, feeling like a loser,
living in a world of Sheyitt-Consciousness.
All these feelings bring more to feel bad about:
more fear, more anger, more guilt, and the like.
So, why is suffering in everybody's consciousness?
Suffering to be close to God is
a manufactured belief designed to feed the evil ones.
Remember, Our Human Misery produces evil's food.
Humanity is being milked like cows.
Very few people know that
the story about the need to suffer is a lie.
Are you ready for The Evidence Based Truth?
What are the alternatives?
The Universal Laws tell us:
Where there is a negative,
there or close by, you'll find its opposite.
What is the opposite of suffering to be close to God?
Its opposite is the more Llove you give,
the more Llove, joy, and fun you experience.
You can't get closer to God.
You already are God/Goddess.
You simply need to learn what it is to be God-like.
Find The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove
You are a Piece, Part, Aspect,
Expression of God/Goddess.
You are God/Goddess.
You cannot get closer to your self.
Suffering to be closer to your self
is simply another Cabal lie.
The Lie about suffering is based on the false belief
that there is an exterior God. There is no external God.
You, me, we, all of us are God-beings.
We are each related to God-Goddess
because we are ALL God-Goddess.
It's impossible to be separate from yourself.
Here's the easy path back to your God-Consciousness.
Remember the words of Jesus:
"When two or more of you are together in joy and Llove,
I/God-Consciousness is there with you."
Quote is from the Christian Bible, Fifth-Dimension Version.
There is NO Separation. We are all one huge version of God.
The Universal Law of Llove is incredibly simple. It's only 13 words:
The Way to Receive Llove
Is to Focus Your Attention on Giving Llove.
Can you think of anything simpler
or anything more profound
than these 13 Words?
Express Your Llove.
Feel your joy.
Notice how they go together.
Like honey and sweet, like water and wet
like cookies and milk, like coffee and cream.
I Relax, Release, Let Go.
I am at ease. I allow what is to be as it is.
I know I am Safe and Secure.
I know that I AM I AM.
I live in Peace of Mind.
I enjoy. Enjoy! ENJOY!
I just be whomever I choose to be!
I know I am a Great Creator.
Thinking-and-Feeling- Persons-Universe:
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