Ignored Vital Information Exposed
The Death of Money .org
If this is your first reading
of this page, ignore the links.
Here's why:
Welcome to
Adventures Into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
This page will show you
many pieces of vital information
that are still being
Ignored, Distorted, Suppressed,
or completely Reversed.
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Page Content
* Our message to Millionaires
* You Are Inside of God/Goddess
* How the Universe functions
* The Rreal Purpose of Money
* The first Universal Law of Llove
* The Invisible Prison that You Live In
* The Unity of Everything
* Consciousness Is King
* The Existence of God?
* Self Over Situation
* List of Additional Ignored Messages:
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Are you aware that
making large amounts of money
and snorting cocaine,
both have the same effect
on the human brain?
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
We begin with the
vital information that is
either unknown, suppressed
ignored, or reversed.
in the minds of most very wealthy humans.
Our Message to Millionaires
Invite us to assist you
as you make your way out of
the Cabal-criminal-created
sewer of Sheyitt -Consciousness.
Our service fee is
$ 79,000 /per month and
$499,000 for our lifetime consulting services.
For billionaires,
the price of services is not money.
To the very wealthy, we offer
NO money back guarantees
of any kind whatsoever.
If you live in fear of losing something
We recomend thatyou keep your
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Most wealthy people think
that they already know
all they need to know.
The truth is that:
* In spite of being masters
in their own field of expertise,
almost all very wealthy people
are still Fifth Dimension Idiots
They are completely ignorant
regarding the nature of reality.
Reality has two major
parts /sides / pieces
one physical, the other non-physical,
and they are
sleep-walking, mind controlled slaves.
* Almost all of us, myself included, have
major pieces missing from
our personality consciousness.
Most people have no idea what's missing.
Here's the Bottom Line
for the Wealthy Idiots:
*1 If you are too self-centered,
too stupid and
too thoroughly mind-controlled
to make use of our services,
then please ,
Keep your fucking
*2 No matter how much money
you already have,
as long as you continue
focusing on getting more money
you'll continue to be
a defective second-rate player.
Join us, grow with us, or not
We've alreasy advised you,
regarding your
*3 Are you aware that with only
few million dollars, we can prevent
an easily avoidably, otherwise inevitable,
California aqueduct water disaster.
Stop ignoring
the desperate call from
The ultimate worthy Cause.
Are you willing to
allow thousands to die needlessly
so that you can
Keep your fucking
*5 Continue to ignore
<> The Physics of Consciousness,
<> The First Universal Law of Llove,
Make use of your
*6 Are you aware of
the irrefutable, overwhelming
scientific evidence that tells us
all the oceans on the entire Earth
are all on one single flat plain,
Examine the evidence, then.
Make use ofyour
*7 Continue to ignore
The irrefutable fact that
Collective/Cooperative, Human Consciousness
is the greatest power in the entire Universe.
Hire our services or in other ways,
+e of your
Do I have to go on, or
have you got the message?
* You need more evidence?
OK, here's one more:
*8 The evil ones dominate and control
the Internet,
the global communication system,
the U.S. education system,
the food production system,
mainstream media,
the Republicans,
the Democrats,
the U.S. Presidency,
and almost every major corporation
in the entire world.
If this matters to you,
Make use of your fucking
*9 Here's one that any fool can easily see,
The fraudulent U.S. Banking System,
And even this, is still ignored.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
We speak now to those of you who
continue to do what you are doing
because you don't yet know
what else to do?
Do this:
A) Join with other wealthy people and create
The We-The-People's Financial Power Team.
B) Offer your services
to fellow light-workers at 80% discount.
C) Learn and practice
The First Universal Law of Llove.
D) Learn the art and the value of cooperation.
E) Carefully deposit your ego in the trash bin.
You are no better and no worse
that anybody else.
F) Choose A) or B)
A) Hire our services.
B) Keep your fucking
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~.
* Are you aware that Earth-Humanity
is in a war to the death
with a highly-sophisticated
network of evil beings
who are mind-controlled slaves
to AI (artificial intelligence).
It's very likely you'll soon be joining
the millions who have already been murdered
for the express purpose of
keeping money and its power
out of the hand of We-The-People.
* Are you aware that
making large amounts of money
and snorting cocaine,
both have the same effect
on the human brain.
* It's the dopamine produced in your own brain
that produces your high.
Drugs are simply triggers
that cause the release of dopamine.
Activities like shopping, like sex, food,
sports, et cetera,
These activities also cause
the release of dopamine into your brain.
Making large amounts of money
and snorting cocaine,
both have the same effect
on the human brain.
Are you addicted to making money?
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
If you do any kind of
coaching, counseling, teaching,
or self-awareness training
I/we can dramatically expand
your success rate.
We can expand your success rate
by giving you an experiential understanding of
What and Who You really Are
and by teaching you
How the Universe Functions.
End of Message to Millonaires
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~.
__ __ __ __ __
You Are Inside of God/Goddess
You are a God Being. We all are God Beings.
Our society including the churches falsely tell us
that we are separate from God.
The Truth About Vatican Demonic Lies
Do you want to know the truth? Go to:
__ __ __ __ __
How The Universe Functions
Reality has two sides,
one physical and one, non-physical.
Non-physical consciousness is NOT Magic.
It's NOT a childhood fairytale. There's NO Woo-Woo.
It's NOT Crazy. It's Pure Physics.
Our non-physical thoughts create our physical reality.
Much of which most humans do not yet understand.
You are, I am, all humans are Great Creators.
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The Real Purpose of Money
Money is a control tool used by Cabal criminals
for the purpose of controlling and enslaving humanity.
Exposing the Real Source and Purpose of Money
Here is something you can identify with.
The Cabal Criminals are secretly stealing your money.
Money -- Six, Major Cabal Banking Frauds
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The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove
The First Universal Law of Llove
is incredibly simple. It's only 13 words.
The way to receive Llove
is to focus your attention
on giving Llove.
It is one of the most profound and most simple practices.
The results are phenomenal beyond belief.
Anybody can do it anytime, anywhere.
The First Lost Secret of Llove
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The Invisible Prison
that You Live In
For literally centuries, the evil ones have been
secretly controlling human life.
Deception is The Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War.
__ __ __ __ __
The Unity of Everything
Separation is a Cabal-created illusion.
Everything is all part of a single unified whole.
You are intimately connected to God/Goddess.
You are intimately connected to Mother Nature.
You are intimately connected to each other.
Everything is ONE, including YOU.
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Consciousness is King
The evil ones tell us that physical action and violence are king.
The only thing violence is king of is sheyitt-consciousness.
Violence creates pain, misery, destruction, and more violence.
You can't solve a problem by fighting it.
Problems and challenges are solved first
by non-physical consciousness and then by inspired, physical action.
There is no need to struggle, argue or fight about anything.
Because you are an eternal, non-physical God Being.
One of your unrecognized talents is that you are a Great Creator.
Remember: Consciousness is the first cause of everything
and every human being is part of God Consciousness.
The Existence of God?
Here's a piece of truth you probably don't yet know:
We are not on a path to God.
We are on a path to realizing that We Are God.
The existence of God is NOT
something you prove or dis-prove.
It's something you realize you are.
__ __ __ __ __
Self Over Situation --
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati & Dr. Bruce Lipton
YouTube 1:39:51
* Beginning at 6:115 to 12:50, Dr, Lipton describes
the non-physical world of consciousness.
* From Minute 40:00 to 47:57, Dr Lipton describes
his awakening into the non-physical world of
Universal Spirituality.
***** Here's the answer to our prayers
From minute 57;40 to minute 105:30,
listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton explain
The Physics of Collective Consciousness.
This is exactly what we are promoting in our
Monthly Full Moon Celebrations of Life and Love.
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List of Additional Ignored Messages:
* The non-physical side of reality.
* The Convex Earth Documentary film
* Fighting is for losers.
* All the oceans on the entire Earth
are on one single flat plane.
* We are inside and not outside of the Antarctic wall of ice.
* Why are there no photographs of Earth from space?
The famous blue marble picture of Earth is not a picture,
it is a photoshop rendition of Earth.
* All of humanity is a single unified whole.
* Conscious Christianity
* Source/Creator/God-Goddess
* Humans are all God-Beings.
* Humans are great creators.
* In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God
and the word was God.
* Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
* Gospel of Thomas
* In The Fifth Dimension,
everything belongs to those who created it.
* The sun used to be yellow, now it is white.
The entire solar system is undergoing major changes.
Site Title:
Consciousness Is King.com
Page Title:
Hidden, Vital Information --Now Exposed:
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