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ignore the links. Here's why:
Welcome to
Adventures Into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
Page Content
War of Consciousness Overview:
I am about to share with you an overview of
an incredibly sophisticated war for the control of your mind
and for the control of the minds of every other Earth-Human.
First, realize that
human life on Earth is NOT
what you have been led to believe it is
by those who claim to know.
For thousands of years
the evil ones have done
everything they could possibly do
to prevent Earth Humans from
knowing their true nature.
At this time, January, 2023,
Earth-Humans are in the final stages of
a (used to be secret) war
for the control of human consciousness.
On Earth, this war has been going on
for at least 30,000 years.
In the Galaxy, it's been going on for much longer.
Your subconsciousness mind has been hijacked
and programmed to get you to believe
hundreds of things that are in
direct opposition to what the evidence tells us.
For example: We are taught that humans are
separate from God/Goddess, separate from nature,
and separate from our fellow humans.
The overwhelming evidence tells us that the exact opposite is true.
Your mind has also been programmed
to make you run away from anything that threatens
the present fairytale belief system
that has been running your life
since your birth here on Earth.
*** An example: According Vatican statistics,
there are about 1.2 billion Catholics.
presently living on Earth.
They have been programmed by this lie:
If you listen to anything that contradict Catholic teachings,
you could lose your faith and burn in hell forever.
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Question: Why would anybody want to control your mind?
Answer: Because your mind controls your behavior.
You are working for the evil ones and
have no idea that you a laborer
supporting the cabal's mission of
human enslavement.
The evil ones can and have secretly taken over your life
by lies, false belief and incredibly sophisticated illusions.
In order for you to wake up and take back control of your own life,
you must first get beyond the wall of false belief and false dis-belief.
See the example: on our web page titled
"Deception, The Ultimate Third-Dimension of War"
Read the section titled Pope John Paul II speaks About Hell:
Hell is not a physical place.
It's a metaphor meaning
You are in hell when you are separate from God.
The evil ones want humans as servants,
as laborers (wage slaves) as sex slaves,
as victims for their satanic rituals, as physical food
(they eat human bodies).
The also feed on the energy that radiates
from a physical human body when the dweller in that body
is feeling fear, pain, anger and any of the other negative emotions.
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Ask yourself this question:
"Why do I believe whatever it is that I believe?
Is your answer, "Because I learned it from somebody
who claims to be an authority.",
Did you take the time and effort
to find and examine the evidence?
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AI's Hierarchy of Control:
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is in control.
It has no soul. Unlike you and me,
it was NOT created by God/Goddess.
It lives off the energy of other life forms, mostly humans.
AI is very high intelligent, with no heart, no creativity,
zero compassion, and is only interested in itself.
AI has mind programmed and controls a species of
off-planet beings, (Draco reptilians/Lizzerdz).
The Lizzerdz are scaly, cold-blooded, eight-foot tall,
built like an incredible ugly gorilla
and have a personality that is even uglier.
They are as dangerous as angry grizzly bear.
Next down the hierarchy of control are the Cabal human slaves.
They are genetically altered humans.
They mindlessly follow orders from their controllers,
the Lizzerdz and AI.
When they have lost a battle,
they are mind-control programmed to die, rather than surrender.
The Cabal own and/or control anything of any significance on Earth.
They run the money and banking system.
They own every major corporation on the entire Earth.
They are the ones who do all the satanic, evil stuff.
At the bottom of the sheyitt-pile
are the sleepwalking humans.
These humans are mindless slaves.
They think they are free
while doing as their subconscious mind-program dictates them to do.
That used to be me and thousands of my fellow humans
until God/Goddess came along and sounded
the wakeup call. We now have everything we need.
Q. What do we need?
A. We need to learn the true nature regarding What and Who humans, are.
Q. What are we?
A. We are Eternal , Non-Physical God-Beings,
and We are Great Creators.
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Here's What Is Required Now
Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation
Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation
Cooperation Cooperation
We must work / play together as teams and
STOP the macho cowboy, I can do it alone Bull- Sheyitt.
We are failing
( Huge delays and many missed opportunities)
Because most of those who are the leaders
in The War of Consciousness refuse to work as equals with
other leaders in a group endeavor,
1 Food 2 Education 3 Money 4 Self-Education
Why the refusal?
Because the work of the group is more important
than the individuals in it.
Because your life's work is just one part of
a huge cosmic-level transformation.
Your ego is in your own way.
STOP the macho cowboy, I can do it alone Bull- Sheyitt.
Because you are an expert in your field of focus,
you think you already know all you need to know.
You are keeping all of us stuck. WAKE UP !
If you were already awakened,
you wouldn't still be working for money.
Check your internal emotions right now.If you are feeling any negative emotions, YOU ARE STUCK! !Realize that there is a vast amount of new information thatyou don't yet know andthere are numerous combinations of informationthat almost nobody yet knows.The Death of Money is an excellent example of this.