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Vishen Lakhiani  Message To


The  Death  of  Money  .org



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Welcome to
Adventures Into Fifth Dimension Consciousness

TO:         Vishen Lakhiani
FROM:    Robert Cote'
RE:         Opportunity for all of Mindvalley

As you know, humanity is entering the world of
Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
You and the members of Mindvalley
are in the perfect position
to play a major role in this transition.
You are also role models for the rest of humanity.

What is urgently needed at this time is
a significant demonstration of cooperation
for others to follow. That demonstration is
Mutual cooperation among the leaders of We-The-People. 

We request that you suggest to
your members who chose to do so
is for them to offer their fellow members
their services either free or at the service provider's cost.

This is in perfect alignment with the Physics of Consciousness
with the principles of Fifth Dimension Consciousness
with the First of the Seven Lost Secrets of Llove, 
with the nature of being human and with common sense.

We await your reply,
Thank you.
Blessings Be Llove     (love)

Robert Cote'    aka    Aum  FahZoom

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