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The Birth of Freedom
Has Arrived

It's Here now
Planet  Earth


Do you realize that
the behind-the-scenes-leaders
of all large organizations on Earth                         
Site Map
have become so corrupt, so destructive,
and have filled our minds with
so many lies that God/Goddess
has stepped in to wake us up 
and show us how to
clean up this horrendous mess.

God/Goddess has provided us with
everything we need for this job.
Our job is to
*  Clean out the old and obsolete
*  Design the new system's content, style, etc.,
*  Build It, and then
*  Enjoy your new life.
We focus on:
*   Education    (Fifth-Dimension-Style)
*   Returning Our Bodies to Excellent Health,
*   D
isease and Disaster Prevention,
*   Creating a Free-to Everyone
     fifth-Dimension, People-to-People
     connection service, where anyone can publish

     what ever they choose
*   Creating a National Network
     of Mutually-Supporting 
     Organic F
ood Gardens.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  

*  A significant number of Earth-Humans
   have already awakened to realize that
   they/we are eternal,  non-physical , God-Beings.
*  Reincarnation  now is an evidence-based truth.
*  Do you realize that when your body dies,
    you simply continue your existence
    in your real home?
*   Your real home is with God/Goddess..

Earth's entire social structure is changing
from    Service to self 
to        Service to All.
                On your first reading
                of this page, we suggest
                that you 
IGNORE the Links. 
__   __   __   __   __

Our first job is to decide
what we want our new social structure
to BE like..
Our second job is to build it.

God/Goddess has provided

everything we need.
Our job is to do the doing.

When you examine the evidence
you quickly see that the new social system,
is already  in the middle  of
creating so much wealth that
scarcity will soon disappear completely.
Without scarcity,

money, in all of its forms,
will s no longer be needed.
Money will become obsolete, unnecessary,
useless, and worthless..

....For a short time only,
We-The-People of planet Earth
have the means, the motive, the method,
the recourses, the labor, the right timing,
and the perfect opportunity 

to use some of this soon-to-be- worthless money
to  build our new social structure.

We are  presently 
inside of
a window of opportunity for 
most Profound,
most Delightful,
most Exciting,

most Rapid Social Advancement
in all of Human history.
For the detailed story, please go to
Our page titled:
What Is Required to Win Our Freedom?

Here's a very simple overview
of what's happening:
*   Humanity is awakening  and realizing
      that Earth-Humans are
     Eternal, Non-Physical Divine Beings,

*   We are experiencing
      dramatic advancements of technology,

*  With the cosmic-level changes, 
     Everything on Earth is also changing. 
                The evil ones have taken
                the video linked-to-above,
                off the Internet

*   In cosmic, zodiac terms,
     our galaxy shifts in 2,160 year  cycles.
     We are now in mid-shift
     from the Aries to Aquarius.
     This means that God/Goddess
     is taking humanity
     from confusion into harmony,
     from slavery into FREEDOM.
*   The old and obsolete

     service-to-self social structure
     is falling apart. 

*   It is being replaced by
     Service-to-All social Structure.
*   The Cabal criminals network
     is being taken down.


*   Scarcity is being replaced by
     Abundance for All

*   The new Service to All social structure
     will create so much wealth that
     money will become useless,
     worthless and unnecessary,

,*   The end of scarcity and
*    The end of money   (in all of its forms)
       are both inevitable and unavoidable.
       These changes will open the door
       to the  new, Fifth-Dimension
       world of Freedom.

*    For a short time only,
     We-The-People of planet Earth
     are inside the window of opportunity for

    the most Profound, 

     most Delightful,
     most Exciting,
     most Rapid Social Advancementin
     all of Human history.

     See the page titled,
     How to Prepare Yourself for
     Life in a World Without Money

.~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Here's what happens to some people:
The Cabal-installed beliefs inside of

their own subconscious mind 
tells them that:

     What Is Written Here
          Is Impossible.
They are told:
Ignore It.
DO NOT deviate from
what you have been taught.
You could lose your faith and become 
lost in lies.
You could even end up burning in hell forever.

Go here to learn the truth.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~​
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

On your first reading of this page,

please ignore the links. 
__   __   __   __   __

If you don't believe that
both scarcity and money
will soon be gone,
it's because you do not yet understand

The Physics of Consciousness
You do not yet understand
The Rules of Reality
You do not yet understand

The Evolution of the Universe
and you do not yet understand
that Earth-Humanity is waking up into

Fifth Dimension Consciousness.

__   __   __   __   __   

Please become aware that, collectively,
the very wealthy Earth humans
have in their possession,
multi-multi billions of dollars
that is still valuable today, but,
will soon become worth and useless.

Our job is to realize
what and who humans really are
and then, take inspired actions
to make use of some of this money
for the benefit "We-The-People,"

but we must act now!
*   Because multi-multi-billions of dollars 
     are available RIGHT NOW
     for use by We-The-People.

*   Very soon, the conditions and circumstances     
will change and this opportunity
     will be gone forever.

Q. What do you want us to do?
A.  We want you to help us find
     the first wealthy donor 
     who understands that he or she has
     millions or billions of dollars of excess money
     money that is valuable today, but
     will soon become worthless. 
      Once this belief barrier is broken,
      once the doors to almost infinite wealth are open,
      a flood of still valuable money
      will provide for the active
leaders and players
      in this War of Consciousness
      with enough money to set up themselves and
      many others into excellent  conditions and circumstances
      for Life After the Death of Money
      The death of money will eventually
      bring a new world to everyone else,

      so our question is: 
      "Do you want yourself, your family,
      and the rest of humanity
      to take the fast track and
      to ride through this transition
      with grace and ease,
      do you want to
      be one of the mindless ones
      dragged in with the mob of sleep walking humans
      who will scramble through
      the dregs of 3rd D. Sheyitt-Consciousness
      and take years to acclimate themselves to
      life in a world without money?

      If you are wise, you will take action now.

      because,  like I've already said:
      Very soon, the conditions and c:rcumstances

          will change and this opportunity
               will be gone forever.
Here's what's required
o win this war of consciousness

      Even if we do nothing,
      Life After The Death of Money
      will eventually arrive for those of us
      who are not destroyed
      by the war's collateral damage
      or are not killed in the slow
      and painful version of this transition. 

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__   __   __   __   __

If all this is new to you, we suggest
that you enter the new world of caring and sharing
with gentleness.     Why?  
Because everything,  yes everything  is changing.
the changes are so dramatic and so profound
that they could be overwhelming.  

We suggest you begin by learning
how to bring more Llove into your life.

Examine The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.

It's simple, it's easy, it's fun.
Anybody can easily be successful.

It's only 13 words:
     The way to receive Llove
           is to focus your attention
               on giving Llove.

If you want to be of service,
if you want to help,

but don't know what to do,
go to The Sixth Lost Secret of Llove.

__   __   __   __   __

If you are already familiar with
our transition into Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
please continue reading the information posted below.

What Is Our First Priority?
     Our first priority is to find one or more

     wealthy people willing to use

     a portion of their still valuable,

     but soon to become worthless, excess mone

     for the purpose of preventing
     an easily-preventable, but otherwise inevitable
     California Aqueduct water-source, trillion-dollar disaster. 

if we take action,   
money's dying process

will provide humanity with
the greatest economic stimulus 

the world has ever seen.
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What Is The Truth About Money?
Money is a criminal Cabal tool for enslaving humanity
For money to exist, 
several things, conditions, circumstances, and
several false human beliefs must
all exist at the same time.

Here's the list:
*   Money can only exist in a

     criminally controlled 

     service-to-self society.   
*   The people must believe the lie
that scarcity is real.
*   The people must be prevented from realizing 
     their own true nature that
     humans are actually eternal,
     non-physical God-Beings;
     that humans are great creators;
     that creation is done by consciousness,
     consciousness that is
     followed up by inspired action.
*   The people must be prevented from understanding that
     planet Earth is a holographic reality.   
*  The people must be prevented from understanding that
     Consciousness is King.   That We-The-People
     are powerful creators who create 
     by thought followed by inspired action.
*   The people must be prevented from knowing that
     collective human consciousness
     is the greatest power in the Universe,
     that Earth-Humans are not only on 
     the leading edge of cosmic evolution,

These lies have all been exposed.

We will be the first civilization  
created and managed by thousands of humans
that carry God-Consciousness / Christ-Consciousness
while functioning in their physical bodies.

God/Goddess has arrived.   He / She is Us!

Once people understand 
what and who we really are
and that humans are Great Creators,
we will create so much
wealth that scarcity will no longer exist.

Without scarcity, money
will become worthless and useless.
When that happens, the Cabal liars
lose their power of control.
We will have won the
War of Consciousness.
Humanity will be free!

Right now, money is dying and
in its dying process,

we have a great / grand opportunity
to obtain / spend / use
multi-multi billions of dollars
for the benefit of the people
but, we must take action
before conditions change and
money becomes useless.
See the page titled:
What Is Required to Win Our Freedom?

ife After
The Death of

Planet Earth, including all of humanity,
is part of God/Goddess's Cosmic Evolution.

Like it or not,   believe it or not,   ready or not,

humanity and the Earth itself are moving into

Fifth Dimension Consciousness.

This transformation is so huge, that
while holding Third-Dimension-Consciousness,
it's beyond your capacity to even imagine
the joy-filled future that is in store for all of us.

Almost everything you have been told
about Earth-plane reality is a lie,
a lie designed to keep Earth-Humans as
mindless wage slaves,
doing anything and everything
they are told to do
in exchange for money.

There are two aspects of this change that
require immediate attention:

* The Death of Money is the first priority. 


   Because by taking action on this opportunity,

   we will have multi-multi-billions of dollars

   with which to build our new
Service to All Social Structure.

* The second priority is to avoid
   an easily avoidable, otherwise inevitable,
   trillion-dollar financial and social disaster.
The Ultimate Worthy Cause

Because Fifth Dimension Consciousness

is such a huge shift into a completely new reality,

we invite you to begin your Fifth Dimension education

by reading our Open Letter to Tai Lopez
* This will give you a basic introduction
   to the changes that we are going through.

* It will begin your introduction to

   the world of Fifth Dimension Consciousness.

   Please read our  Open Letter To Tai Lopez.


-----     -----     -----     -----   
You are presently
     lost in lies
             and you don't know it
~~~  ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Do you want complete freedom?             
Do you want more Llove in your life?         
Do you want to live in a world of abundance for all?


If so, go to 
Orgasm as a State of Being
and then to
Messageto all Women
and to
Sensual Delights Network

Together, we will  create freedom,
Llove, and abundance
for yourself and everybody else, as well.

-----   -----   -----   -----

For a full list of pages
regarding The Death of Money,
please go to:

Site Map     and     Content of Websites

Robert Cote'  aka  Aum   FahZoom

1 (747) 236-8717

Contact Us       About TLC-Life-Center

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Website Title:        Death of Money
Page Title:              Home Page Death of Money
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Updated:   23 Nov 22       P R:   REC   RAC   04 July 22



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